
Types of Egg Laying Mammals
There are two families of mammals which lay soft-shelled eggs: the echidnas and the platypus. The development within the egg is very brief, and in all other aspects, the monotremes as they are called, resemble other mammals. The echidna is also known as the spiny anteater because it has a spiny coat,... readmore

Extinct Animals List
Tasmanian Wolf is an extinct animal of marsupial. It is the first in the extinct animals list and it resembles with wolf and dog but it is neither a wolf nor a dog. It was extinct almost sixty five years ago when the Tasmanians started to make their land cultivable for human needs. Different animals... readmore

List of Endangered Species of Marine Animals
When you say rare, it means very precious thing. All of these rare marines have limited distribution in coastal south East Africa. Now problem is that, most of the rivers and streams are polluted because of industry, so all the marine life is disturbed very much. This list of endangered species of marine... readmore

What is A Mammal?
What is A Mammal? Mammal is a creature that most of us mean when we say the word ‘animal’. We know them best among all other living things, for many of our pets and domestic animal are mammals and so are we. Mammals are found almost everywhere in the world, from the cold land and seas of theArctic... readmore