Top Ten 10 banks

The Top 10 Largest banks of the world with biggest assets are given here. Bank of America is the biggest bank of the world.

No. Banks Date Assets
1. Bank of America 1998 merger $2.25 trillion
2. JP Morgam Chase 1799 $2.07 trillion
3. Citi Group 1812 $1.93 trillion
4. HSBC 1836
5. IND + Commercial Bank  of China 1984 $1.6 trillion
6. Group Santander 1857 $1.53 trillion
7. Wells Fargo 1852 $1.284 trillion
8. Construcction Bank of China 1954 $1.27 trillion
9. Bank of China 1912 $1.016 trillion
10. Bank of Japan 1882
December 15, 2009 | Mohsin Ali | No Comments | 266 views