Q: What is the Antonym or Opposite word of Malice?

  • Malice
  • General Meaning Hostility, Animosity, Hatred
    Usage This is a noun and can be used to show hatred for somebody with the desire to harm them. It can also describe an intent to commit an illegal act without proper justification.
  • Antonym 1 Benevolence
    Meaning 1 Grudge
    Sentence 1 It’s shocking, how could William do it without malice?
  • Antonym 2 Kindliness
    Meaning 2 Bitterness
    Sentence 2 Jacob shouldn’t be punished for this because there was no malice in what he did.
  • Antonym 3 Mercifulness
    Meaning 3 Enmity
    Sentence 3 There is nothing wrong in this because Mikhail had malice only towards the person who had wronged him.


April 21, 2011 | Tahir Abbas | No Comments | 303 views